Office Dogs: A Primer
Nov 19, 2015 – by Kristin
Sometimes, we bring our dogs to work.
This is Josh. Josh, if you can believe it, is a Very Good Boy. He's also a foster brother.
Maybe you recognize Lieutenant Dan from the internet. He's kind of a big deal. He also responds to "Frog," "The Frog," "Frogman," "Froggy," or "lookit him go!"
And this?
This is Mimsy. She's a little bit blind and descended from wolves. One must take care to avoid stepping on Mimsy.
And then there is this big beautiful baby.
Computer: Enhance.
Neko is stone deaf and DTGP (down to get pet).
And of course there is Rufus, who is perfect. A touch gassy when he naps, but let they who are without sin cast the first stone, you know?
Have you pet a dog today?