Typeforce X Process Vol. 2
Electric Boogaloo
Feb 13, 2019 – by Will
This past week we've been in assembly line mode. Our piece for this year's Typeforce involves a wood form repeated many times, but due to its complexity, this means lots and lots of cuts.

After making a single prototype to prove the idea, we spent a bunch of time getting the set-up right: making jigs, building tools and buying way more clamps than we expected. Only after everything was dialed-in did we start production.

We had a huge amount of material to cut—so much we often couldn’t get finished in one work session. In addition to ensuring accuracy, having a strong set-up meant that we could easily hand off tasks, one person jumping in where another left off.

We wanted to avoid using nails or waiting for glue to dry, so we used finger joints locked together with a dowel. Everything went smoothly until we hit the lap joint at the middle of the unit. At first we made the cut with a handheld router, but this wasn’t accurate enough. We solved this by building a jig for the CNC router, which gave us spot-on results every time.